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Update for Windows7 Activation Technologies – Challenge to Software Piracy

Posted by Heri Gunawan | Posted in , | Posted on 8/29/2010


One of Microsoft’s biggest security fears is that their products are copied, pirated, or reverse engineered. This is especially true as several foreign countries have been identified as the biggest software pirates. As reporimagested here: The Biggest Windows 7 Pirate include several Asian countries where China,  India, and Russia are among the biggest culprits.

Microsoft has now made available an update which will help protect the software. According to Microsoft:


“ Windows Activation Technologies helps you confirm that the copy of Windows 7 that is running on your computer is genuine. Additionally, Windows Activation Technologies helps protect against the risks of counterfeit software. Windows Activation Technologies in Windows 7 consists of activation and validation components that contain anti-piracy features.

  • Activation is an anti-piracy technology that verifies the product key for the copy of Windows 7 that is running on your computer. The product key is a 25-character code that is located on the Certificate of Authenticity label or on the proof of license label. These labels are included with each genuine copy of Windows. A genuine product key can only be used on the number of computers that are specified in a software license.
  • Validation is an online process that enables you to verify that the copy of Windows 7 that is running on your computer is activated correctly and is genuine.”

Components of the Update

This update

  • detects validation errors and activation exploits.
  • detects any tampering attempts made to important Windows 7 system files

What does it do?

This update performs a validation process for the copy of Windows that is running on the computer. If nothing is amiss, it exits. However, if the update discovers a tampered or modified file, it tries to restore the file to the original condition.  If this update cannot restore the tampered files, it will direct the user to the Internet to get additional information.


If at the heart of the validation process are errors and activation exploits which attempt to bypass the process to legitimize the Windows7 copy and are detected, then they are removed. This removes any “genuine” Windows7 indicator, and the user is left with an invalid copy of Windows7. Users will be asked to use a valid product key to activate the copy of Windows 7 that is running on your computer. From time to time, you will be notified that the copy is not valid. And additionally, the operating system may shut down and force a reboot, without saving any data on the system.



You can review Microsoft’s activation planning guide here.  This update package is available through Windows Update and Microsoft Download Center.


The x86 and 64 bit versions can be downloaded here.


By GGarza

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