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Download Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 (SP1) Beta

Posted by Heri Gunawan | Posted in , , | Posted on 8/31/2010


Microsoft revealed on his official website, that Windows 7 Service Pack 1 is coming in the first half of 2011. After some time waiting, finally Windows 7 Service Pack 1 and  Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 (Beta) is now available for download. it’s Free for evaluation although still in

Review Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1  :

Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Beta helps keep your PCs and servers on the latest support level, provides ongoing improvements to the Windows Operating System (OS), by including previous updates delivered over Windows Update as well as continuing incremental updates to the Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 platforms based on customer and partner feedback, and is easy for organizations to deploy a single set of updates.

Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Beta will help you:

  • Keep your PCs supported and up-to-date
  • Get ongoing updates to the Windows 7 platform
  • Easily deploy cumulative updates at a single time
  • Meet your users' demands for greater business mobility
  • Provide a comprehensive set of virtualization innovations
  • Provide an easier Service Pack deployment model for better IT efficiency

In order to download and install the Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Beta you must currently have a Release to Manufacturing (RTM) version of Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 already installed.

Each version is available in these languages: English, French, German, Japanese and Spanish.

Windows 7 Service Pack 1 Minimum System Requirements:

  • 1 GHz or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor
  • 1 GB of RAM (32-bit) / 2 GB RAM (64-bit)
  • 16 GB available disk space (32-bit) / 20 GB (64-bit)
  • DirectX 9 graphics processor with WDDM 1.0 or higher driver
  • DVD-compatible drive
  • Internet access (fees may apply)

To learn more about SP1 Beta and Windows Server 2008 R2, visit the SP1 Details Page.

How to download Windows 7 Service Pack 1(Beta):

  • Register for evaluation (Free)
  • Download and install beta software (300 MB)

for more information about Windows 7 Service Pack 1 beta version and how to download it, visit the Microsoft TechNet Evaluation Center.


Oke, hopefully helpful.

by Heri Gunawan

Protect Your Smartphone From Hackers

Posted by Heri Gunawan | Posted in | Posted on 8/31/2010



What is a smartphone? The term means different things to different people, but for our purposes, it’s any mobile phone that can browse the web, send and receive emails and text messages, and can use applications from third-party vendors. Most also offer Wi-Fi Internet connection. If your mobile phone can do those things, it’s a smartphone.smartphone

The Opportunity for Hackers

Smartphones are big business. The Wall Street Journal estimates that almost 160 million smartphones were sold last year, surpassing the number of laptop PCs sold in the same period. That’s a huge opportunity for those who make smartphones or sell service. And it’s a huge target for those who would hack your smartphone.

Hackers at Work

Essentially, a smartphone is a connected PC that fits in your pocket. So it’s not surprising that smartphone hackers use the same basic tactics that they use to extract information from PCs.

  • Snoopware. Originally marketed as a way for parents to monitor their kids’ mobile phone usage, snoopware can be used to eavesdrop on your conversations, emails, text messages contact lists, and passwords. If you use a smartphone to make financial transactions, snoopware can be programmed to eavesdrop on those too.

  • Smiphishing. This is like email phishing on a PC, except that it sends phishing messages via your Short Message Service (SMS) text service. Typically, you’ll receive a text message from a hacker posing as a business with whom you do business. The message may ask you to update a password, re-enter your credit card or provide sensitive information which can be used to defraud you. Or to commandeer your phone to launch bot attacks or damage your files.

  • Spam. Plain old spam, just like the kind that attacks your PC email, will also turn up in your smartphone email or even in text messages. A lot of it is just annoying, but some of it will be unsolicited offers or smiphishing, both designed to get your personal information for financial gain or to destroy your files.

  • Bluetooth. Your Bluetooth connection can be hacked to provide access to your phone any time it’s turned on, even when it’s turned on but not in use.

What You Can Do

In a word, beware. Be as careful in how you use your smartphone as you are when you use your PC.

  • Don’t open email if you don’t know the sender. If any sender asks you to provide sensitive information, don’t. If such a request seems to be from a business you know, use your browser to go to their website or a phone to call the business.

  • Don’t answer text messages that ask for personal information. Again, if you think it might be legitimate, contact the purported sender by other means.

  • Delete spam. Don’t answer it, ever.

  • Turn off Bluetooth when you’re not using it. Also, turn it off when you are speaking or entering sensitive information into your smartphone.

  • Buy protection. Just as you should always secure your PC with up-to-date Internet security software, you should protect your smartphone with smartphone security software to protect your smartphone against the latest security threats.

Be Smart, Beware

Beware, be careful, install security software and keep it up to date. Then you can talk, text, browse, and transact fearlessly. And live your mobile life to its fullest.


By Jennifer Martinez

The Biggest Windows 7 Pirate

Posted by Heri Gunawan | Posted in , | Posted on 8/29/2010


Microsoft recently carried out their very own survey which revealed the best places to buy pirated copies of Windows 7. Lets just say that if I were Microsoft I wouldn’t be too happy with the results. It turns out that the Russians are the biggest pirates of Windows 7 around.

According to the survey, Moscow is the biggest culprit for pirated copies of Windows 7. More than 25 percent of the dealers in the city sold pirated copies of the software. Also, one in ten of the dealers had the audacity to come to your house and install the illegal software for you.

Microsoft has surveyed 2500 computer and software retailers in   53 cities across the Russian Federation. The Far Eastern parts of Russia but the likes of China and India to shame when it comes to software piracy. Places likes Yekaterinburg recorded a massive 41 percent of pirated sales, Chelyabinsk 30 percent and Moscow 27 percent. However Moscow wins the pirate game due to the sheer volume of the Win 7 DVDs sold. And according to Yuri Zlobin, the head of the anti-piracy association, “The Russian Shield”, it was a lot worse than that in Moscow and reckons the figure is higherwindows 7 box than that.

China are also getting in on the pirate scene. Russia has the second largest market for pirated products after China. Quite an alarming amount of pirated versions of Windows 7 are being sold openly in stores and markets throughout China. What’s more, they aren’t been sold on DVD’s, but instead on 8GB USB Drives. Quite ironic when you consider that Microsoft were debating on whether or not to sell Windows 7 via USB keys. And how much do these pirated copies of Windows 7 cost? Well, 98 yuan, or about $14! You would be lucky to even get an 8GB USB key here for that price!

But what’s even worse is the fact that you can buy a legal edition of Windows 7 in China for a mere $58, yet people still opt for the illegal pirated copies. Obviously China isn’t the only nation pirating Windows 7, India has followed suit and the pirates are selling the OS for as little as Rs 500 ($10) and those in Philippines are selling Microsoft’s latest operating system for a pitiful $1.5!

I think it’s disgraceful the amount pirated copies of Windows 7 being sold, and those who are buying them are even bigger fools than the ones who are distributing them. Lots of software now a days will not install unless it can certify that you have a genuine copy of Windows and they are constantly releasing updates and patches which will deactivate your illegal copy of Windows.


by Robert Boland and

Update for Windows7 Activation Technologies – Challenge to Software Piracy

Posted by Heri Gunawan | Posted in , | Posted on 8/29/2010


One of Microsoft’s biggest security fears is that their products are copied, pirated, or reverse engineered. This is especially true as several foreign countries have been identified as the biggest software pirates. As reporimagested here: The Biggest Windows 7 Pirate include several Asian countries where China,  India, and Russia are among the biggest culprits.

Microsoft has now made available an update which will help protect the software. According to Microsoft:


“ Windows Activation Technologies helps you confirm that the copy of Windows 7 that is running on your computer is genuine. Additionally, Windows Activation Technologies helps protect against the risks of counterfeit software. Windows Activation Technologies in Windows 7 consists of activation and validation components that contain anti-piracy features.

  • Activation is an anti-piracy technology that verifies the product key for the copy of Windows 7 that is running on your computer. The product key is a 25-character code that is located on the Certificate of Authenticity label or on the proof of license label. These labels are included with each genuine copy of Windows. A genuine product key can only be used on the number of computers that are specified in a software license.
  • Validation is an online process that enables you to verify that the copy of Windows 7 that is running on your computer is activated correctly and is genuine.”

Components of the Update

This update

  • detects validation errors and activation exploits.
  • detects any tampering attempts made to important Windows 7 system files

What does it do?

This update performs a validation process for the copy of Windows that is running on the computer. If nothing is amiss, it exits. However, if the update discovers a tampered or modified file, it tries to restore the file to the original condition.  If this update cannot restore the tampered files, it will direct the user to the Internet to get additional information.


If at the heart of the validation process are errors and activation exploits which attempt to bypass the process to legitimize the Windows7 copy and are detected, then they are removed. This removes any “genuine” Windows7 indicator, and the user is left with an invalid copy of Windows7. Users will be asked to use a valid product key to activate the copy of Windows 7 that is running on your computer. From time to time, you will be notified that the copy is not valid. And additionally, the operating system may shut down and force a reboot, without saving any data on the system.



You can review Microsoft’s activation planning guide here.  This update package is available through Windows Update and Microsoft Download Center.


The x86 and 64 bit versions can be downloaded here.


By GGarza

Source :

11 tips for social networking safety

Posted by Heri Gunawan | Posted in , | Posted on 8/24/2010


Social networking websites like MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, and Windows Live Spaces are services people can use to connect with others to share information like photos, videos, and personal messages.

As the popularity of these social sites grows, so do the risks of using them. Hackers, spammers, virus writers, identity thieves, and other criminals follow the traffic.

Read these tips to help protect yourself when you use social networks.

  1. Use caution when you click links that you receive in messages from your friends on your social website. Treat links in messages on these sites as you would links in email messages. (For more information, see Approach links in email with caution and Click Fraud: Cybercriminals want you to 'like' it.)
  2. Know what you've posted about yourself. A common way that hackers break into financial or other accounts is by clicking the "Forgot your password?" link on the account login page. To break into your account, they search for the answers to your security questions, such as your birthday, home town, high school class, or mother's middle name. If the site allows, make up your own password questions, and don't draw them from material anyone could find with a quick search. For more information, see:
  3. Don't trust that a message is really from who it says it's from. Hackers can break into accounts and send messages that look like they're from your friends, but aren't. If you suspect that a message is fraudulent, use an alternate method to contact your friend to find out. This includes invitations to join new social networks. For more information, see Scammers exploit Facebook friendships.
  4. To avoid giving away email addresses of your friends, do not allow social networking services to scan your email address book. When you join a new social network, you might receive an offer to enter your email address and password to find out if your contacts are on the network. The site might use this information to send email messages to everyone in your contact list or even everyone you've ever sent an email message to with that email address. Social networking sites should explain that they're going to do this, but some do not.
  5. Type the address of your social networking site directly into your browser or use your personal bookmarks. If you click a link to your site through email or another website, you might be entering your account name and password into a fake site where your personal information could be stolen. For more tips about how to avoid phishing scams, see How to reduce the risk of online fraud.
  6. Be selective about who you accept as a friend on a social network. Identity thieves might create fake profiles in order to get information from you.
  7. Choose your social network carefully. Evaluate the site that you plan to use and make sure you understand the privacy policy. Find out if the site monitors content that people post. You will be providing personal information to this website, so use the same criteria that you would to select a site where you enter your credit card.
  8. Assume that everything you put on a social networking site is permanent. Even if you can delete your account, anyone on the Internet can easily print photos or text or save images and videos to a computer.
  9. Be careful about installing extras on your site. Many social networking sites allow you to download third-party applications that let you do more with your personal page. Criminals sometimes use these applications to steal your personal information. To download and use third-party applications safely, take the same safety precautions that you take with any other program or file you download from the web. For more information, see Before you download files, help protect your computer.
  10. Think twice before you use social networking sites at work. For more information, see Be careful with social networking sites, especially at work.
  11. Talk to your kids about social networking. If you're a parent of children who use social networking sites, see How to help your kids use social websites more safely.

original Articel from :

Microsoft Security Essentials Receives AV-Test Certificate

Posted by Heri Gunawan | Posted in , | Posted on 8/21/2010


Anti-virus research and data security organization AV-Test recently spent three months testing 19 security products in the areas of protection, repair and usability. On Monday, August 16th they released the test results, and we’re excited that Microsoft Security Essentials has received another certification, this time from AV-test logo

According to the AV-Test Product Review and Certification Report, the "Protection" category covers static and dynamic malware detection, including testing for real-world 0-Day attacks. "Repair" evaluates the system disinfection and rootkit removal in detail, which is critical for ensuring AV solutions effectively clean malware off of consumers’ computers. The "Usability" testing criteria includes the amount of system slow-down caused by the tools and the number of false positives. You can read the full set of test reports here.


As we mentioned last week, the most important validation of AV quality comes from independent certification organizations like VB100, AV-Test and others. With the current version of Microsoft Security Essentials and the new version now available in beta, our commitment remains constant: to provide security you can trust that is easy to use and provides protection that runs quietly and efficiently in the background, ensuring a great Windows user experience.


You can get the current version of Microsoft Security Essentials at no cost by visiting the Microsoft Security Essentials website here.


by Eric Foster

Original from

Windows Live Essentials 2011 beta refresh

Posted by Heri Gunawan | Posted in , | Posted on 8/18/2010


Today we’re releasing an update to Windows Live Essentials 2011 beta. One of the main reasons we release betas is to allow early adopters to enjoy our products and provide feedback on their experience. First, we want to say thank you for your help. For Messenger alone, we had over 3 million unique users, 3.5 million updates to display pictures, 6.2 million video calls, and 7.6 million updates to status messages.

Your beta feedback and usage has helped shape the many improvements we’ve made and continue to make across Messenger, Photo Gallery, Movie Maker, Writer, Mail, and Family Safety. Today I’d like to summarize some of the more visible changes you’ll see in today’s update, and we’ll follow up with more details in later posts.

Performance and quality of service improvements

We’re always working to improve the performance and quality of our services and we’ve made significant progress in this area in today’s beta update. This includes things like decreasing the time it takes to start each program or render each webpage, and improving the quality of your experiences. It often takes hundreds of small improvements and optimizations to better the final experience. Here are some of the many improvements you’ll see in this area:

  • A quicker Messenger – The time it takes to sign in, and to refresh contacts and social feeds, as well as animation speed, are all faster than in previous versions of Messenger.
  • More efficient video chat - Messenger video chat uses 30% fewer CPU resources by offloading work to the GPU.
  • Better facial recognition - Photo Gallery facial recognition is improved significantly and works more quickly.
  • Larger movie uploads - Movie Maker will upload higher resolution movies to SkyDrive (480x640 vs. the previous 320x480).
  • Higher bit-rate movies - Movie Maker now supports higher quality (bit-rate) content.
  • Better spell-checking - Writer has significantly improved the quality of its spell-checking.
  • Better integration with Office - Writer is much better at retaining all formatting when you copy and paste from Word and other Microsoft Office programs.
  • Better handling of Gmail – Mail now automatically handles Gmail’s spam and trash folders properly.
  • Faster web filtering - Family Safety web filtering is 35% faster than in the previous version.

In addition, we’ve been able to improve the quality of the software and have fixed over 75% of reported crashes. We’re not always able to reproduce all of the reported crashes internally, but we do look at this on an ongoing basis.

Facebook chat in Messenger

Many of you have been asking for Facebook chat, and it’s finally here. More than half of all Messenger customers also use Facebook. With the previous beta, you got a rich social view that brought together all your updates (including those from Facebook) and gave you one place to see and comment on them. With the new Facebook chat integration, you now also have one place to chat with all your friends. And if you use Facebook but don’t use Messenger today, you now have an always-on “people app” on your PC that gives you instant access and notifications as people come online in Facebook or Messenger.

New Facebook chat integration

From a technical perspective, this is a significant task. We’re connecting Messenger’s ~300 million customers (who are already connected to Yahoo! Messenger and Office Communicator) to Facebook’s ~500 million customers. To make sure this happens smoothly while Windows Live and Facebook both build up the needed back-end infrastructure, we’ll start by releasing this chat capability in the US, UK, France, Brazil, Germany, and Russia today. We’ll continue to expand this offering to additional regions over time.

We know some of you want to connect Facebook to Windows Live, while others prefer to keep things separate. This is a major part of our design and you get to decide when to connect Facebook, and if you do what types of activities you want to allow, including chat. You can change your preferences at any time from your profile page.

Connect to Facebook and Windows Live

Quick previews and improved tree view in Photo Gallery

One of the benefits of the new ribbon user interface in Windows Live Essentials is the ability it gives you to preview a change before you apply it simply by hovering over the option. With the beta update today, we’ve also added preview capabilities to the “Find” tab in the ribbon. So before you apply a filter (date, rating, people tags), you can hover over one of those filters and see the results instantly.

We’ve also added back date and keyword to the tree on the left hand side. While we know many customers will use the Find ribbon to sort through their pictures, we heard loud and clear that others found the tree more useful.

The tree helps to sort pictures

Flickr video publishing and Snapshot in Movie Maker

With the new Snapshot feature in Movie Maker, you can select a single frame from a video as it appears in the preview window and add it to your movie. This allows you to quickly grab an image that you want to keep or perhaps use for your movie’s intro or closing.

In addition, because we know many of you use Flickr for photo sharing and have enjoyed publishing to Flickr right from Photo Gallery, we’ve extended support to Movie Maker, so that you can now publish videos directly from Movie Maker or Photo Gallery to Flickr too.

We hope you’ll download today’s update of the Windows Live Essentials 2011 beta and try out the changes.  And today, in addition to English, Spanish, French, Dutch, Portuguese, Japanese, and Simplified Chinese, you can also now get the beta in Russian or German.  In this post I covered just a few of the things you’ll notice when you use the new beta update. In subsequent posts we’ll go into more detail on other improvements we’ve made, as well as feedback we’ve received on the new Hotmail.


by Chris Jones

Vice President, Windows Live Engineering

original post :

Facebook Bikin Pintar, Twitter Bikin Bodoh?

Posted by Heri Gunawan | Posted in | Posted on 8/16/2010


Pernah menulis pesan dan kemudian harus memperbaiki kesalahan sebanyak lebih dari 3 kali setelah menekan tombol “Send”? Atau menulis tweet di Twitter hingga terjadi duplikasi yang sama?


Menurut Dr. Tracy Alloway, seorang psikolog dari University of Stirling di Skotlandia, dapat menjelaskan penyebabnya.   Seperti yang dilansir dari Telegraph, Alloway telah menghabiskan waimagesktunya untuk mengamati kinerja memory otak manusia, dimana manusia dapat memperoleh dan menggunakan informasi. Alloway juga percaya dengan adanya pengukuran inteligensi manusia yang dinamakan IQ. Sang psikolog juga menyatakan bahwa peningkatan memory manusia atau IQ dapat bertambah atau menurun seiring dengan tingkah laku media social, yang dapat mendukung secara kondusif atau justru menurunkan inteligensi manusia.


Facebook, menurutnya, tampil untuk menambah kinerja memory, karena otak harus bekerja untuk menjaga koneksi ratusan teman, sedangkan Twitter justru melakukan hal sebaliknya. Dalam study-nya, Alloway menyatakan bahwa Twitter terlalu praktis, sehingga perhatian otak menjadi berkurang dan pikiran pengguna tidak terkait erat untuk improvisasi koneksi teman yang ada di Twitter. Alloway juga menyebutkan situs lainnya, seperti YouTube dan game.


Video game dan Sudoku mampu menambah pemikiran yang lebih dalam, lebih cepat mengingat yang telah lalu, dan dapat memetakan lebih jelas di pikiran apa yang akan dilakukan selanjutnya. Oleh karena itu, video game dinilai Alloway dapat meningkatkan kinerja memory otak.(h_n)



original articel from :

daftarkan blog ke search engine

Posted by Heri Gunawan | Posted in | Posted on 8/16/2010


saya akan membagi sedikit ilmu tentang cara mendaftarkan blog kita ke Search engine, berikut adalah cara dan penjelasanya.

Daftar Search engine Google
ggogleoogle adalah search engine paling terkenal jadi mendaftar di google adalah hal yang wajib untuk mempopulerkan Blog anda. Ini adalah link untuk mendaftar search engine  google
Cara mendaftarkan di google sangatlah mudah seperti halnya membalikkan tangan tinggal isi URL blog anda trus isi cooment yang berhubungan tentang blog anda dan isi code vertifikasinya kemudian tekan tombol Add URL beres dah.

Daftar Search engine Yahoo!
Ehm... yahyahoobang-largeoo! juga search engine terkenal yang banyak  digunakan oleh orang-orang lo... makanya daftarkan juga di Yahoo!.
Ini Alamat untuk daftar di Yahoo!
namun Mendaftar di Yahoo ada persyaratan khusus yaitu sudah punya Account di Yahoo! jika belum punya diharapkan mendaftar dahulu. Jika sudah punya silahkan Log In dan anda akan sisuguhi Form yang harus anda isi yaitu Submit website dan Sumbit Site Feed.
Sumbit Website isi saja dengan URL blog anda misalnya punya gw, Submit Site Feed isikan saja alamat feed anda atau anda bisa tambah dengan atom.xml misalnya

Daftar Di MSN
Daftar di MSN juga sama seperti di google mudah tinggal isi Form yang disediakan dan Submit URL. Ni alamatnya buat logo_msnDaftar Di MSN

Daftar Menggunakan Bantuan Web Submitter
Web Submitter membantu kita mendaftar Sekaligus banyak di search engine bisa 40 sampai 50 search engine sekaligus. Gimana anda mau coba... kan lumayan nggak menguras waktu betul gak ni kamu aku kasih tau.

Daftarkan juga ke Search engine lokal...

Get the exclusive version of Microsoft Security Essentials

Posted by Heri Gunawan | Posted in | Posted on 8/14/2010


I n an article yesterday about the "Beta for Next Version of Microsoft MSESecurity Essentials Now Available" written by Brandon LeBlanc. you may be wondering about how to get the full version of Microsoft Security Essentials


nah, on my post this time. I will provide a way to get the full version of Microsoft Security Essentials. previously, make sure your PC must run genuine Windows to install Microsoft Security Essentials.

To know the Windows genuine or not, you usually follow the following link Validate Now and click Validate Windows button then follow the instructions.


after validated your windows, and windows are installed is genuine. you will get special offers from Microsoft over the authenticity of the installed windows on your PC.


nah. one of them is Microsoft Security Untitled-1 copyEssentials and many more. as Microsoft's gratitude to you for using genuine Windows.

Click get extras and install the Microsoft Security Essentials, and you get a full version of Microsoft Security Essentials. I call it with an exclusive version.

(Remember! Microsoft Security Essentials exclusive version is only used on computers with genuine Windows)


Thank you and I hope this article helps you ....

by Heri (

Beta for Next Version of Microsoft Security Essentials Now Available

Posted by Heri Gunawan | Posted in , | Posted on 8/10/2010


Today we are announcing the beta for the next version of Microsoft Security Essentials. Microsoft Security Essentials was first released in September 2009 and is our award-winning no-cost light weight anti-malware service. It’s designed to help address the ongoing security needs of PCs running genuine Windows – helping keep people protected from viruses, spyware, and other malicious software.
New features in the beta of Microsoft Security Essentials include:
Windows Firewall integration – During setup, Microsoft Security Essentials will now ask if you would like to turn the Windows Firewall on or off.
Enhanced protection for web-based threats – Microsoft Security Essentials now integrates with Internet Explorer to provide protection against web-based threats.
New protection engine – The updated anti-malware engine offers enhanced detection and cleanup capabilities with better performance.
Network inspection system* – Protection against network-based exploits is now built in to Microsoft Security Essentials.
* For Windows XP users: Please note that the network inspection system feature will not be enabled on Windows XP. This is because the network inspection system requires the Windows Filtering Platform (WFP) in order to run, and WFP is only available in Windows Vista and Windows 7. However, if you are running Windows XP, you can still use all other beta features. 
To download the beta of Microsoft Security Essentials, click here to visit the Microsoft Connect page to register for the beta. Once completed – you will find the instructions for downloading and installing the beta. We value your feedback – beta participants are encouraged to provide feedback about their experiences with Microsoft Security Essentials through Microsoft Connect. Please note that this is a limited beta available in English (U.S.), Israel, and Brazilian Portuguese (the beta will also be available in China in Simplified Chinese later this year) and is available to genuine Windows users on a first come, first serve basis until the allotted spots for the beta have been reached.
I’ve already commenced with beta testing for Microsoft Security Essentials – I am running it on all my PCs at home!
UPDATE: We are aware that some users are having issues downloading the Microsoft Security Essentials beta after signing into Microsoft Connect and we are working on resolving the issue. In the meantime, you can use the file transfer manager within Microsoft Connect to download the beta files. After logging into the Microsoft Connect site for the Microsoft Security Essentials beta, click ‘Download Microsoft Security Essentials Beta’,  select the version of Microsoft Security Essentials beta that is right for you (32 or 64 bit),
and then click the Download button (Download selected file(s) using FTM).


Articel by Brandon LeBlanc
original post from

Windows Activation Technologies Update for Windows 7

Posted by Heri Gunawan | Posted in , | Posted on 8/10/2010


In the coming days, we’ll be deploying a new update for Windows Activation Technologies, the set of built-in activation and validation components built into Windows 7. Called Windows Activation Technologies Update for Windows 7, this update will detect more than 70 known and potentially dangerous activation exploits. Activation exploits are sometimes called “hacks”, and attempt to bypass or compromise Windows’ activation technologies. This new update is further evidence of Microsoft’s commitment to keeping customers and partners secure. The update will determine whether Windows 7 installed on a PC is genuine and will better protect customers’ PCs by making sure that the integrity of key licensing components remains intact.

So, what are the risks of activation exploits? Searching for, downloading, or installing activation exploits or counterfeit software on the Internet is risky, because sites that advertise these pirated products often contain malware, viruses, and Trojans, which are found bundled with or directly built into the activation exploit or counterfeit software. A study by research firm IDC, The Risks of Obtaining and Using Pirated Software, shows that one in four Web sites offering counterfeit software attempted to install unwanted or malicious code upon downloading. And this rate is rising. Media Surveillance, an anti-piracy solutions company based in Germany, recently downloaded more than five hundred pirated copies of Windows 7 (and Windows activation exploits) and found that 32% contained malicious code. These are very disturbing figures – especially when considering that resellers may be using these downloads to claim that the PCs they sell include genuine Windows. Buyers of new PCs should always check for the Certificate of Authenticity (COA) to verify that the PC they are purchasing contains only genuine Windows. A quick visit to our How to Tell website tells buyers what a genuine COA should look like.

The Update is designed to run on all editions of Windows 7, although we will distribute first to the Home Premium, Professional, Ultimate and Enterprise editions. It will be available online at beginning February 16 and on the Microsoft Download Center beginning February 17. Later this month, the update will also be offered through Windows Update as an ‘Important’ update.

Although the Update will not be directly offered through Windows Server Update Services (WSUS), which is used by enterprise customers to manage the distribution of software updates in their IT environment, a WSUS administrator can import this update into WSUS through the Microsoft Update catalog. I’d like to stress that the Update is voluntary, which means that you can choose not to install it when you see it appear on Windows Update. I also want to stress that installing this update will not jeopardize your privacy; although the update contacts Microsoft’s servers to check for new threats as I outline below, the information we receive from PCs during these checks does not include any personally identifiable information or any other information that Microsoft can use to identify or contact you. This update follows the same stringent and secure set of privacy principles and policies as other downloads. The update can also be uninstalled at any time.

How does it work? Once installed, the Update protects customers by identifying known activation exploits that may affect their PC experience. If any activation exploits are found, Windows will alert the customer and offer options for resolving the issue – in many cases, with just a few clicks. Machines running genuine Windows 7 software with no activation exploits will see nothing – the update runs quietly in the background protecting your system. If Windows 7 is non-genuine, the notifications built into Windows 7 will inform the customer that Windows is not genuine by displaying informational dialog boxes with options for the customer to either get more information, or acquire genuine Windows. The desktop wallpaper will be switched to a plain desktop (all of the customer’s desktop icons, gadgets, or pinned applications stay in place). Periodic reminders and a persistent desktop watermark act as further alerts to the customer.

It is important to know that the customer will see no reduced functionality in their copy of Windows – a customer’s applications work as expected, and access to personal information is unchanged. The Update will run periodic validations (initially every 90 days). During validation, Windows will download the latest ‘signatures’ that are used to identify new activation exploits – much like an anti-virus service. When tampering, disabling, or missing licensing files are discovered, the WAT Update runs a check and repair weekly to ensure that the licensing files are properly repaired.

Joe Williams
General Manager, Genuine Windows
Original Post from

Cara memposting pada blog

Posted by Heri Gunawan | Posted in | Posted on 8/08/2010


okelah langsung saja kita belajar mengisi artikel… setelah blog kita jadi, Kliklah tombol panah Start Blogging
maka akan muncul gambar seperti di bawah ini, gambar di bawah merupakan contoh pengisian artikel

 ketikan artikel pada kolom yang tersedia, selain tulisan kita juga bisa menampilkan gambar, video dan masih banyak lagi. setelah Artikel sudah benar-benar selesai, untuk mempublikasikannya anda tinggal klik tombol Publish Post, setelah itu akan muncul tampilan seperti dibawah ini :

setelah itu, untuk melihat hasil postingan anda pada blog yang telah anda buat tadi, anda tinggal mengklik tombol View Post

Oke, semoga bermanfaat dan selamat berposting ria....

Cara-cara membuat Blog

Posted by Heri Gunawan | Posted in | Posted on 8/08/2010


pada artikel saya kali ini, saya akan memberikan panduan cara-cara membuat sebuah Blog melalui, mungkin istilah blog masih awam bagi anda. apa itu Blog?blog tidak jauh berbeda dengan website. yang membedakan jika website hanyalah situs yang menyediakan informasi satu arah bagi pengunjungnya, sedangkan blog atau webblog menyediakan informasi secara dua arah,
jadi para pengunjung bisa memberikan komentar tentang artikel atau content yang disediakan oleh pengelola blog itu. dan untuk pemilik blog disebut dengan Blogger.oooopsss!!tapi ingat, Blogger tidak sama dengan Hacker yaa....hehehehehhe
(karena dulu seorang "pakar IT" jadi-jadian pernah mengatakan demikian)
okey, tanpa panjang lebar langsung kita mulai aja.....

1. Buat Google Account :
   sebelum mulai membuat Blog pada, kita disarankan mempunyai akun dari google, tapi tenang akun tersebut gratis.
   tinggal daftar di dan ikuti langkah-langkah yang disediakan.
2. Login Ke
   nah!Jika sudah membuat akun google, bukalah alamat,
   setelah itu masukan (Login) dengan e-mail yang dibuat tadi, seperti tertera dibawah ini
   setelah itu klik tombol Masuk
3. Memulai Membuat Blog Anda
    setelah anda login, kini saatnya anda klik tombol warna orange, seperti di bawah ini
4. Memberi nama Blog, halaman seperti di bawah ini
pada halaman tersebut, tuliskan judul blog anda, alamat blog anda dan isikan kode verifikasi lalu klik Continue

5. Memilih Template (Skin untuk blog anda), tampilan seperti gambar dibawah ini :

pada halaman ini, pilih Template yang telah disediakan oleh, lalu klik Continue

6. Blog sudah jadi, tampilan seperti gambar dibawah ini:

dengan begitu anda telah selesai membuat suatu blog…gampangkan...
setelah itu anda tinggal mengisi blog anda dengan artikel yang anda ingin tampilkan....

cara memposting artikel
oke, semoga bermanfaat